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How to Disable Comments in WordPress

In this guide, I will show you how to disable comments in WordPress. First, if we talk about the benefits of having comments turned on in WordPress, Comments are the best way to stay connected with your audience. In some cases, we do not want to allow comments on our website. So, we can disable comments in WordPress.

In WordPress, it is super easy. You can either disable comments from your entire website or even your specific page, post and custom post type.

Disable Comments on Future Posts

If you have Built your WordPress website and do not want to allow comments on your future posts, you can easily disable comments.

In your dashboard, go to Settings » Discussion from the left sidebar. 

Disable Comments in WordPress

On this page, You can disable comments by uncheck the option that says “Allow people to post comments on new articles”

Disable Comments in WordPress

once you have done with your changes, scroll down in the same page and then click on the  Save Changes button 

Disable Comments in WordPress

 Now you have successfully disabled comments from your future posts.

Note: These changes will not affect your existing posts and pages.

However, you can still disable comments from your specific post, pages, and custom posts without changing this setting.

Disable Comments on a Specific Page or Post with the classic editor

Initially, comments are turned on all your pages and post.

In WordPress, you can disable comments from any web page or post.

To do that, In your dashboard, go to Pages » All Pages.

Disable Comments in WordPress

Now we are going to edit the page setting.

Click on the Edit link of the page that you want to disable comments.

Disable Comments in WordPress

Note: This is a classic editor. In the newer version of WordPress, you do not see it unless you don't install a classic editor plugin. If you are using a classic editor, this is how you are going to do it.

On your page that you want to disable comments, click on-screen options in the top right corner, and then check the ☑Discussion tab.

Now scroll down and uncheck  “Allow comments” to disable comments of that specific page.

How to Disable Comments on a Specific Page or Post with the block editor

On your page or post, go to the Document tab from the right sidebar and expend the discussion panel, and here you need to uncheck  “Allow comments” to disable comments of that individual page and post.

If you do not see the document tab, then go to the top right corner of that page or post and click on the three-dotted line button. From there, you can turn on the discussion panel by clicking on the checkbox  right next to the discussion panel.

Disable Comments in WordPress

Disable Comments on Pages and Posts in Bulk

To Disable comments from pages or posts in Bulk, 

Go to Pages » All Pages. 

Disable Comments in WordPress

Ensure all pages or posts are visible; if not, click the on-screen option and change the “number of items per page” under the Pagination. Please change it to how many items you have on your website.

Once you change it, now you can select all of your pages or posts.

Note: Items mean pages or posts

Now select all the pages, click on Edit from the Bulk Actions dropdown box, and click on Apply.

Choose Do not allow from the comments dropdown box and click on Update

Great job!  You have successfully disabled comments from your entire pages.

You can repeat the same process to disable comments from your entire web posts.

Just go to Posts » All Posts.

Select all posts, change your comments setting Do not allow. That's it.

You  can also check out video Tutorial

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